Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My so called friendS~

My life so far? Not good! If only I don't really care about other people and just do what I want (other word, being SELFISH!) then only I'll get to live my life, so let it be then. Cause from what I can see right know is, when I do care and think about others, the only thing I got is their ignorance to me and not to mention being a fool for the one who doesn't even know what they are talking about (because they don't want to share their secret with me for not being trustworthy enough!). For your information my so-called friends (notice the "s" cause it's more than 1 person) I do keep a secret, a secret till the rest of my life cause I know that it is not meant to tell other if you want to keep it as a secret. What the use of calling me your friend if you don't trust me? I take friendship seriously and sharing is like the fundamental of friendship. Come on, you talking about something that I obviously don't know and you expect me to just ignores and smile??

What kind of friend am I to you?? A friend for you to copy assignments? Or a friend for you to refer for your studies? Is that it? What is the meaning of friendship in your life? Simply as a tool? For this reason, I don't think I'll be able to categorized you guys as my friends anymore. I'll guess I'll call you someone I know. Not friends. Remember this, there's more to friendship than you think it is. Treasures it, or you'll never get what you want in friendship. Sorry for the wrong grammar or whatever, but I deserve the right to decide and post what I want in my blog. It's my space after all! Thank you for reading!

Keep this in mind, cause it might happens to you someday~!


missandreaaundrea said...

chill bebeh :)

Sylvia Mathew said...

chilling comfortably here~ :)

warmest greetings..^^