Make me wanna SCREAM!!!!!!
Yes, I do thing my own way, and you can't blame me for that. That's just who I am. Maybe I should tolerate a bit, but how about you? You can expect me to give it all while all you do is wait and wait without action. I said ealier right, it is better to settle the things that we need to do earlier since we have many time before the day comes, but you just ignores all my advice. Now, last minutes job doesn't entertain me much, and I am sorry that I barely involve in it. It true, I didn't do any of the last minute job, but hey, it's ME who give you the idea on how to do it. i know writing this will make me look bad, like very bad, but I need to let it out. I'm not a freeloader that doesn't do anything. I want to do it earlier, but you ignore me. Is it sounds like an excuse? I don't care. Now, last but not least. I am sorry if I offended "you" in any way, but if you did think about how your action offended me too, we are equal. I'm not happy, not at all. But thanks to you, I learn my lesson and it will not happen again in the future. Finger crossed!
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